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Spotlighting Queer Music For LGBTQIA Pride

4AM Indie Publicity is celebrating LGBTQIA Pride this year as a queer-owned music business. For Pride, we wanted to spotlight a couple of queer musicians, Dearly and Tori BLK. Both artists are on our AAPI/LGBTQIA Pride playlist, which we host every May and June. Here, you can follow the playlist and support queer art by reading about how Dearly, Tori BLK, and Vince (the owner of 4AM) navigate being LGBTQIA in music.  You can also stream Dearly and Tori BLK on this page. 

4AM Indie is a publicity agency specializing in newer and more independent artists. We craft marketing and PR campaigns, focusing on getting our artists reviewed and interviewed in blogs and the media, as well as featured on playlists and radio. We are proud to be queer-owned and always want to work with queer artists.

The Playlist

Meet Dearly

a woman wearing a colorful sweatshirt and shorts

Lesbian indiepop artist Dearly (she/her) grew up Mormon and in the closet. She says she’s been putting her true self out there for a while now: “With this project, I chose to be as authentic, silly, and gay as I wanted–to be my true, queer self - and present it to the world as the artist, Dearly (not just Amanda).”

According to Dearly, one of the highest moments of her career was “coming out as a lesbian via a music video premiere in a Billboard article.” That was a defining moment for Dearly as she told the world–including the Mormon world–who she was and that she would no longer apologize for it. Dearly says she was taken advantage of when she first started out in music but has climbed back up from that low point thanks to a fulfilling and humbling career. 

Dearly shares some recent news related to her music with us. The artist says she has a lot going on, “I just released my new song ‘Dykes on Bikes.’ The music video comes out next week. My follow up single, ‘Broke and Gay’ comes out this summer!! I'm playing a few Pride shows coming up (announcing soon), so that is exciting!”

Meet Tori BLK

“I don't consciously bring queer elements to my music; it's inherent because of who I am,” says lesbian musician Tori BLK (she/her). She says that her identity is always there, but it’s not the focal point. “My songs naturally reflect my lesbian identity because that's just me. I don't have to strategize or think about incorporating it into my music—it simply flows from who I am,” she adds. 

Tori BLK says her share of ups and downs has sometimes felt like it comes with more downs. “I've experienced more lows than highs, both in my music and personal life, and I'm no longer afraid to admit that,” says the artist, “I feel like I've struggled with my mental health throughout my entire life.” She adds that now she sees things more clearly: “I never really saw the connection between music and my mental health, but looking back, I believe it's been there during all my lows.”

The singer-songwriter says that becoming aware of her mental health patterns over the last five years has changed things for her, “I used to be embarrassed to share my truths, but recently, I've faced so many of my shadows that now I'm focused on healing and improving my life overall. Music has a way to soothe the soul.”

Tori BLK just released a new single, ‘A-Okay.’ She sheds some light on how the track is helping her heal from a major loss, “I just released my new single 'A-Okay,' which is part of my current healing process. My mother passed away in February, and right now, I'm channeling all of my grief into songs that I hope can help others who are struggling. After all, who doesn't go through tough times? We all do at some point, so why not make music about it?” She goes on that she has an eye on innovation, noting, “I plan to do a lot of outside-the-box things. I'm in the mood to explore new, uncharted territory.”

a woman holding a yellow smiley face in front of a yellow background

Meet Vince Martellacci, founder of 4AM Indie

a young man standing in front of a blue wall

Now I want to introduce one more LGBTQ+ creative, myself. I’m Vince Martellacci (he/him), the founder of this website. I work to get independent musicians featured in blogs, playlists, podcasts, and other types of media. Growing up and eventually trying to navigate the music industry as a bisexual man has been a hell of a ride. 

My whole life, I’ve heard that male bisexuality doesn’t exist. But I exist. And sometimes it is the very act of existing that is so radical. 

I have had people decide not to work with me after finding out I’m bisexual. Once, a woman told me that she was into social justice in her music business. When I saw an opening and told her I was bisexual, always trying to support queer people in my business, she asked me if I was really just gay, hurried off the phone with me, and never spoke to me again. 

Being bisexual is not easy. Even LGBTQIA people judge you. To this day, I’m still only halfway out of the closet. I share my story through my business, I tell friends and close family members, but I still walk around protecting my “secret” from strangers and new people, because the constant rejection hurts. You have to earn the truth with me. 

However, as the founder and head publicist at 4AM Indie Publicity, I get to champion others who have identities that set them apart. While I work with people of all sexualities and genders, I still get to champion other people who stand out, others who don’t neatly fit in. I get to work with people whose message is niche, who don’t appeal to everyone, but who have their own shimmering magnetism. And I get to be a part of the success of musicians who speak to me. 

I have found a home in music. I feel valued and respected in music. When I work with other people who have identities that set them apart, I feel whole. My identity is no longer a burden, but something that makes me free. I hope to make other creatives feel the same way. I want people who work with me to feel that they are home, whether they are straight or queer.

If you want to get your music in blogs, playlists, and more, contact Vince below